Not too long ago, the good folks over at Search Engine Land published an SEO “Periodic Table of Elements”, to help explain all of the different elements that go into determining & improving search engine ranking.
While this proved to be an invaluable tool for SEOs, marketing managers & even business owners, the “magic” behind good SEO has since evolved in just that short time to become more reticulated with Social Media marketing & client engagement. “How?” you ask? Social media, when done correctly, bolsters and maintains good organic positions with search engines and helps increase traffic to websites and physical business locations.
Social Media is all but impossible if you’re the CEO or small business owner and have hundreds or more layers to your business with which you should be concerned. However, the social tools & services are out there, to make it easy to automate and schedule daily social media postings, turning something you had no time for into an easily manageable task.
For each size & type of business, the ideal social media “elements compound” may not be the same as any other size or type of business. Understanding which elements & compounds work best for any one specific business is to truly understand how social media seamlessly works in tandem with other internet marketing efforts like SEO or PPC.
With an infographic like ours, its our hope that we can help eliminate some of the “mysticism” surrounding social media marketing and show how social marketing diversifies marketing channels and improves client relations for small businesses. If you’re curious to learn more, leave us a comment or contact us today, for a thorough introduction to the realm of social media.
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